Minds to the 2 is a virtual education platform that is based on educational self
sufficiency educative and offers courses and self training programs that are
designed to improve the lifestyle of our members and users, we based on the idea
that knowledge acquisition fundamental basis can be improved through rapid
reading comprehension, so we started our new educative offer with the Synaptic
Reading program that will allow you to go from read 120 words in one
minute to a read a 200 pages book in just 15 minutes


This, unlike the market offer, is based on scientific research conducted by its author for over 45 years on the organs involved in reading: the visual system and the neuronal system of the brain, registration and approval of copyright protect the seriousness of this research.

I transcribe here the scientific page the author that summarizes these bases and with which the virtual launching of the work is supported and of the formula that will allow to measure the maximum capacity of information that a human being can understand in a certain time.

Synaptic Reading Formula
BIT = nfc

On the instructive module , are find all the scientific bases, , historical, didactical , biological and methodological of this brand-new program, that will divide the history of literature:

The traditional: invented by the Egyptian Phoenicians over 5500 years ago, which only allows you to read it word per word.
Synaptic reading: That will allow you from now on to read it sentence by sentence..


1. Develop the ability to understand the total amount of information read in the shortest time possible
2. Enhancing vision.
3. Synapse enhancement.
4. Get into the habit of reading 15 minutes three times a day
5. Discipline: the student acquires the habit of reading three to four hours a day.
6. Manages to read a 200-page book in 15 minutes.
7. Manages to read three books a day synaptically.
8. Minimum 3,000 words per minute with 100% comprehension

How long is the course?

The synaptic reading course is designed to be completed in six (6) months.


He graduated as an Economist from the National University of Colombia and years later specialized in International Law and Diplomacy at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University.

He began his work life as a concession manager and correspondent journalist for the Tolima Department at Casa Editorial El Tiempo, where he acquired great negotiation, communication and public relations skills.

He then served as Vice-Rector, Director of Planning and later as Rector of the University of Tolima, where he found his true vocation as an educator, project manager and researcher. It was then that his concern for improving the learning process was born.

He found in reading, research and teaching his mission in life.

Consequently, he independently investigated in depth the processes of learning, stimulation and frequencies of the neuron within the synaptic process. For more than 20 years he alternated with teaching while developing this Synaptic Reading program, which to date has had more than 0,000 students with an average maximum decertification of 12,000 words per minute with 100% comprehension.

¿Would you like reading to be easy as taking a photo?

You will be interested in our new educative offer

With the Synaptic Reading Program will allow you to go from read 120 words in a minute to read a 200 pages book in just 15 minutes.